Sunday, October 26, 2008

A quote

"The World is a Book,
and those who do not travel read only a page."
- St.Augustine-

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Although I am not very familiar with using quotes, I really love them. They are short but deep, easy but keen, and thoughtful but sharp. This is one of George Orwell’s quotes.

Liberal: a power worshipper without power.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

2nd Reading journal

About Unit 4: The Age of Communications

Communications between People from Different Culture
-My first culture shock in Canada: the raid of Wreck Beach-

As a visitor to Canada, many Canadians and Koreans have asked me about my culture shock experience. Actually, my answer had always been “not yet” until I went to ‘Wreck Beach’ in Vancouver.
About two months ago, my family moved to Vancouver from Prince George. The day after we put our stuff in a new house, we decided to go to the nearest beach and enjoy some sun bath. My family drove around UBC’s campus, and finally we found a trail to the beach, but nobody knew that was a way to a nude beach. The trail was very beautiful. We couldn’t take our eyes off the forests’ beauty until we saw a naked girl. She ran to a public washroom that stood beside the trail. It happened in a short time, so we didn’t get any ideas about what’s going on there. Thus, we kept going down to the seaside. Eventually, we arrived at Wreck Beach. It was totally surprising, stunning, and even outrageous for some of my family members. I thought I was a pretty open-minded person, and knew how to react in unpredicted situations; however, I was just stunned that time. We couldn’t enjoy the sea shore and the presence of the nudist during our stay for an hour to walk the seaside and sand.
Yes. I would say it was my first culture shock. A nude beach would never be accepted easily in my country-Korea- for at least a few decades. In spite of the shock that we got, I don’t thinks it is evil or crazy. In my opinion, they were just expressing their ideas or their identities and trying to communicate, by their behaviors. For example, an anime costume play- event or exhibit about Japanese animations and costumes- was held on the UBC campus at the same time we visited Wreck Beach. At the costume event, there were many people with their distinct costumes and hair styles that our parent’s generation would describe as outrageous or even mad. I found it is very interesting but also irony that one group of people ‘took off’ of their clothes to express themselves while the other group of people wanted to ‘put on’ their special costumes in order to show their creativity and interests ;also, to communicate with each other. Perhaps, it was totally miscommunication for me because of cultural differences and my preference, but for them, it probably was just a way of communication between them. Moreover, nudism is not against human beings’ “vital values.” To be specific, nudism and nude beaches don’t harm mankinds’ dignity; it is not about one’s life or discrimination.
For these reasons, we should accept their ideas and opinions under the name of diversity and freedom.
As I mentioned above, when you are facing with culture shocks, you should consider whether it contrasts with the standards of human beings’ values or not. I firmly believe that this is one of the ways to communicate and live with others.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The aging proccess 2nd

With Kids in The Philippnes.
Potrait with my cousin: A devil and an angel
What the?..?

The aging proccess

At the Grrrreat Wall.. perphaps 2003
In the subway 2004?
Yes. I was a hippy
Netherland 200..5?

No Idea.

Lovely pictures of my self..

I was thirsty.. you know?
Expressing my sexual desires.
A daredevil at Edinburhg Castle.
Oh~~ Yeah~

Activate telepathy~!

Hope you guys love these too.

The Dark side of going to the summer beaches:A journal for the other class-totally Fake and for Fun~!

The Dark Side of Going to the Summer Beaches

There are three reasons that explain the dark sides of going to the summer beaches.
First of all, many accidents related with people happen on the summer time beaches. The main reason for many accidents is drinks. Generally, people tend to drink more when they are in the hot summer beaches. Therefore, sometimes people cross the lines and behave unusually. Plagues of hippies, wasted people by boogie calls, and drowned people by swimming can be including in this case. Second, there are many chances to meet unfriendly wild sea animals: sharks, killer whales, and jelly fishes. According to the studies, the numbers of these species are rapidly increasing because of global warming. Thus, playing in the sea without any preparations can be extremely dangerous. In addition, ‘Statistic Canada’ announced that more than 10,000 people died on the beaches last two years by unpredicted attacks of sea animals mentioned above. Third, the tropical summer beaches are the places that unhealthy relationships are often occur. There are numerous hot-looking Homo Ludens-‘man the player’- are on the summer sea sides and this situation provides high possibilities of temporary relationships, which is not considering healthy. According to the survey from Association of Canadian University Students, 40% of people have experienced this kind of relationships and 38% of them answered that their relationships ended badly in very short term. This survey shows that coasts in summer are not very ideal places to seek serious relationships.
In conclusion, going to the summer beaches is not highly recommended for these dark sides.

520R My 1st journal -about creativity


The most creative villain and the shadiest hero: The Dark Knight and the Joker.

During looking for the keyword ‘creativity’, I found an article about the movie: “The Dark Knight.” This article appealed to me because it talks about totally different villain than any others and the shadiest hero.
Most of us consider the movie “The Dark Knight” as another super hero movie; however, the article claims this movie is not all about that. The author says this movie’s characters are very creative because it shows the most creative also creepiest villain versus lonely and shadowy hero. ‘The Joker’ is the villain in the movie. Unlike the other wrongdoers, he doesn’t have any super power or even wealth. Then, why people voted him for one of the scariest scamps ever? Perhaps because of his craziness is why he has voted. ‘The Joker” is a man of chaotic and accidents-coincidence. He doesn’t have any reason for killing people and bombing around the city. He just wants to see how people behave and how they feel in extreme cases with out humanity. Random, hit or miss, and unplanned: These are the traits of ‘the Joker’. Then, the question would be why people are afraid of it? The answer is because human being’s history was efforts to explain coincidences and accidents. From the ancient philosophers and scientists in Greece until today’s Spacemen and pastors in churches, we humans have been questioning the same questions such as, who we are? Where are we from? And even what should we do. In addition, these questions imply that we never wanted to define our beings as an accidents or unplanned. As soon as we lose the reasons and origins of our beings, we would go into the chaos. However, ‘The Joker’ is questioning us with his big smile: “Why so serious?” This is why this character, which makes we civilized moderners uncomfortable, is the most creative scamp ever.
I thought this story is worth reading because it shows by getting a totally new perspectives, how we can understand the story differently. I thought this would be a good example of creativity.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Over the long haul!

Let's have fun through this blog~!