Monday, October 6, 2008

520R My 1st journal -about creativity


The most creative villain and the shadiest hero: The Dark Knight and the Joker.

During looking for the keyword ‘creativity’, I found an article about the movie: “The Dark Knight.” This article appealed to me because it talks about totally different villain than any others and the shadiest hero.
Most of us consider the movie “The Dark Knight” as another super hero movie; however, the article claims this movie is not all about that. The author says this movie’s characters are very creative because it shows the most creative also creepiest villain versus lonely and shadowy hero. ‘The Joker’ is the villain in the movie. Unlike the other wrongdoers, he doesn’t have any super power or even wealth. Then, why people voted him for one of the scariest scamps ever? Perhaps because of his craziness is why he has voted. ‘The Joker” is a man of chaotic and accidents-coincidence. He doesn’t have any reason for killing people and bombing around the city. He just wants to see how people behave and how they feel in extreme cases with out humanity. Random, hit or miss, and unplanned: These are the traits of ‘the Joker’. Then, the question would be why people are afraid of it? The answer is because human being’s history was efforts to explain coincidences and accidents. From the ancient philosophers and scientists in Greece until today’s Spacemen and pastors in churches, we humans have been questioning the same questions such as, who we are? Where are we from? And even what should we do. In addition, these questions imply that we never wanted to define our beings as an accidents or unplanned. As soon as we lose the reasons and origins of our beings, we would go into the chaos. However, ‘The Joker’ is questioning us with his big smile: “Why so serious?” This is why this character, which makes we civilized moderners uncomfortable, is the most creative scamp ever.
I thought this story is worth reading because it shows by getting a totally new perspectives, how we can understand the story differently. I thought this would be a good example of creativity.


Cha-cha (Chao Wang) said...

Hi Sung Hwa, nice work in your blog.
You love photo youself, don't you?
This is a great idea to relate creativity with a film. The Dark Night is also my favourate especially Heath Ledger. With it win the oscar prize.

Eilidh said...

Thank you for your first journal entry. Movies are certainly an example of creativity, for the characters, the special effects and the imaginative storylines, and I enjoyed reading your thoughts.
Make sure that as with any writing assignment, you carefully proofread and edit your work before posting it. While I am lookingat your work in a holisitc way, especially as a response to what you are reading, as a reader I can't help but notice any grammatical or structural errors, andd so I would like you to carefully check what you have written before you post. Remember that quality is more important that quantity!
Examples of what I mean include:

- Articles! try to remember to use them.
-Why did people vote for him as one of the...
-Perhaps he was voted for because of his....
-"The Joker” is a man of chaotic and accidents-coincidence." -??
The question would be why ARE people afraid of it?
human being’s history was efforts to explain coincidences and accidents. - HUMAN BEINGS', and the rest of the sentence I am very unclear about.

I am looking forward to reading your next posting!

Bassam Almohammadi said...

Hi Sung Hwa,
Not only we have chosen the same topic to write our journal about:) , but also I agree with you about taking the Joker character as an example for what I call it "inverse creativity"!

We almost always used to see the typical schema of good-guys / bad-guys characters in heroes movies. Bad guys have always more power and more followers, while good guys are weaker and almost have no chances. But good guys always win because they are the good guys!
In this movie the story is different. The Joker has started from nothing, but he made the superhero, Batman, to be a criminal chased by the whole society that he was protecting all the time!

it's really challenging to turn over the routine and come out to people with your successful opposite ideas of the typical ones in any field, therefore, creativity is not easy to obtain.

Thanks again Sung Hwa for your perfect example.