Monday, October 6, 2008

The Dark side of going to the summer beaches:A journal for the other class-totally Fake and for Fun~!

The Dark Side of Going to the Summer Beaches

There are three reasons that explain the dark sides of going to the summer beaches.
First of all, many accidents related with people happen on the summer time beaches. The main reason for many accidents is drinks. Generally, people tend to drink more when they are in the hot summer beaches. Therefore, sometimes people cross the lines and behave unusually. Plagues of hippies, wasted people by boogie calls, and drowned people by swimming can be including in this case. Second, there are many chances to meet unfriendly wild sea animals: sharks, killer whales, and jelly fishes. According to the studies, the numbers of these species are rapidly increasing because of global warming. Thus, playing in the sea without any preparations can be extremely dangerous. In addition, ‘Statistic Canada’ announced that more than 10,000 people died on the beaches last two years by unpredicted attacks of sea animals mentioned above. Third, the tropical summer beaches are the places that unhealthy relationships are often occur. There are numerous hot-looking Homo Ludens-‘man the player’- are on the summer sea sides and this situation provides high possibilities of temporary relationships, which is not considering healthy. According to the survey from Association of Canadian University Students, 40% of people have experienced this kind of relationships and 38% of them answered that their relationships ended badly in very short term. This survey shows that coasts in summer are not very ideal places to seek serious relationships.
In conclusion, going to the summer beaches is not highly recommended for these dark sides.

1 comment:

Eilidh said...

Hmmm. while you are making a good effort to support your ideas with statistics, you need to cite these sources exactly. in other words, it is not enough to say, "According to Statistics Canada"....You must give the exact study that you are using, when it was published, the author(s) and the date. You should say 'According to A study..." not THE study, as these organizations that you are giving have, I am positve, produced more than one study! We will do some more work on citing sources in class.